238 Larch Street
Sudbury, ON P3B 1M1
Tel: 1-705-674-2887 (No collect calls please)
Fax: 1-705-674-4312

St. Leonard’s Society of Sudbury (SLSS) provides male federal offenders released on various forms of parole with a supervised, structured residence which offers programs designed to facilitate their re-integration into the community as responsible law abiding citizens

Core Programs

  • Community Integrated Correctional Program Model (Comm. ICPM)
  • Enhanced Reporting Centre
  • Personal Support Worker Program
  • Community Maintenance Program (CMP)

House Services

  • One on One Counseling
  • Elder Services
  • Chaplaincy
  • Vocational Counseling
  • Resume Development

Community Services

  • Anger Management
  • Family Violence
  • Psychological Services
  • Psychiatric Services
  • Vocational Services
  • Academic Services
  • Aboriginal Services

Locations and Facilities

Each of the residences are large, three-story homes with a comfortable common area, kitchen, and dining area on the main floor. There are laundry facilities located in the basement. Resident bedrooms are located on the upper two floors. Each home is equipped with central air conditioning, a resident computer with internet access, and a telephone on the main floor.

We are centrally located in the city and a short walk to the downtown area where the Parole Office and many other services are located. The main Transit depot is also within a five-minute walk.

Cambrian College, College Boreal, and Laurentian University are located in Sudbury for those who are interested in pursuing post-secondary education. In addition, Sudbury also hosts several top-notch Adult Education Programs.

Excellent recreational opportunities exist for those that are interested in outdoor/indoor sports activities. Sudbury also has excellent nature trails for hikers, lakes and beaches, and a Boardwalk at the lake.


All male Federal Offenders serving a Conditional Release. 


  • Voluntary Residency
  • Offenders with outstanding criminal charges
  • Any offender whose treatment needs cannot be addressed by the facility/ community programs

Residents’ Obligations

Residents are required to adhere to their Correctional Release Plan during their stay at our house. Residents are expected to treat other residents and staff with respect and dignity. The house employs a graduated curfew system including weekend passes for new arrivals.

Privileges are reviewed on a monthly basis and are determined by a resident’s individual progress and efforts.

All residents are assigned a daily chore as well as a once a week dish night.

One primary expectation of all residents is to seek legitimate employment and/or educational programming.

Our goal is that we all work together to co-exist in harmony as you work towards a successful re-integration back to your respective community and family.


Larch Halfway House
11 Residential Beds
5 Single Rooms
3 Double Rooms
1 UTA Bed

Red Cross House
8 Residential Beds
6 Single Rooms
1 Double Room
Program Room in Basement

St. Leonard’s Society of Sudbury (SLSS) Admission Policy

  • Apply stating your name, institution, F.P.S. # and expected Date of Parole;
    • Tell us your reasons for choosing SLSS;
    • We will mail you an application form to be filled out and returned as soon as possible;
    • When you have made a firm decision to come to SLSS, you must initiate a Community Strategy with your Case Management Team to finalize your plans for coming to Sudbury;
    • Your plans, along with your application and any other materials you have sent, will be reviewed at the Community Assessment Team Meeting and taken into consideration for supporting your request.

    Copies of our House Rules are available upon request.